020 7228 2629
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General Maintenance
If you are a Tenant and you have a maintenance issue that is not an emergency, please use the form on the right to submit any maintenance related issues to Acquire Estate Agents. Please click on this link to complete the forms.
Issues that are not emergencies are leaking taps etc..
If you are a Tenant and you have an emergency, please check the list below and action accordingly:
No Power Supply
Gas Leak
Carbon Monoxide Alert
No Water Supply
Plumbing Leaks
Blocked Sink/Toilet/Bathroom
Broken Windows
No power supply - Please check: The Fuse Board, Neighbouring properties, your supplier
Gas Leak - Please call National Grid - Emergency Number 0800 1110999
Carbon Monoxide Alart - Turn off All appliances, open windows and leave premises
Fire - Please call Fire Department - Emergency number 999
No Water Supply - Check supplier first to establish if there's any known issues
Plumbing leaks - If the water cannot be contained - Turn off water supply, alert neighbour, take care of electrical fittings
Blocked sink/toilet/bathroom - it's only an emergency if there's only one in the premises. However this may be the Tenants liability.
Locks/Doors - This may be the Tenants responsibility
Broken Windows - This may be the Tenants responsibility